Privacy Notice

The following tables list the categories of information and specific pieces of information Michael Logue Insurance collects about you. The tables also explain the business purpose for collecting information about you, the sources from which Michael Logue Insurance gathers that information, and the third parties with whom Michael Logue Insurance disclosed that information.


1. Category of Information: Personal Identifiers


Specific Pieces of Information

The personal identifying information includes full name, physical address, email, phone number, IP address, driver’s license number, date of birth, marital status, and driving record, all as provided by the website visitor, excluding the IP address.


Business Purpose for Using Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance uses the personal information to provide insurance services to consumers, including quote requests. Michael Logue Insurance also uses the personal identifiers to market and advertise its products to its consumers.


Sources from Which Michael Logue Insurance Collected Information

The personal identifier information is collected from the users of Michael Logue Insurance’s websites.


Categories of third Parties to Whom Michael Logue Insurance Sells Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance does not sell the personal identifier information to third parties.


Categories of third Parties with Whom Michael Logue Insurance Disclosed Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance shares the personal identifiers data with cloud storage providers and various property and casualty carriers. 


2. Category of Information: Inferences


Specific Pieces of Information

Personal identifiers and protected class information is used to create inferences regarding insurance eligibility and insurance rates.


Business Purpose for Using Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance uses the insurance data to respond to quote requests and policy renewal requests.


Sources from Which Michael Logue Insurance Collected Information

The inference data is collected from applicants, insureds, claims services, and producers.


Categories of third Parties to Whom Michael Logue Insurance Sold Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance does not sell the inference information to third parties.


Categories of third Parties with Whom Michael Logue Insurance Disclosed Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance shares the inferences data with cloud storage providers and various property and casualty carriers. 



3. Category of Information: Geolocation Data


Specific Pieces of Information

The geolocation data includes IP address.


Business Purpose for Using Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurances uses geolocation data for marketing purposes and to enhance the website visitor experience. 


Sources from Which Michael Logue Insurance Collected Information

The geolocation data is collected from users of Michael Logue Insurance’s website.


Categories of third Parties to Whom Michael Logue Insurance Sold Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance does not sell the geolocation data to third parties.


Categories of third Parties with Whom Michael Logue Insurance Disclosed Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance shares the geolocation data with cloud storage providers, web analytics, and internet service providers.


4. Category of Information: Protected Class Information


Specific Pieces of Information

The protected class information includes sex and age.


Business Purpose for Using Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurances uses the protected class information to process individuals’ requests for insurance quote requests, applications, and claims.


Sources from Which Michael Logue Insurance Collected Information

The protected class information is collected from insureds, applicants, claimants, consultants, agents, producers, health information management organizations, healthcare providers, independent medical examination services, and claims services.


Categories of third Parties to Whom Michael Logue Insurance Sold Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance does not sell the protected class information to third parties.


Categories of third Parties with Whom Michael Logue Insurance Disclosed Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance shares the protected class data with cloud storage providers and various property and casualty companies. 


5. Category of Information: Internet Data


Specific Pieces of Information

The internet data includes browser type, operating system, cookies, and information regarding customer’s interaction with Michael Logue Insurance’s websites and advertisements. 


Business Purpose for Using Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance uses the internet data to monitor its websites and applications to diagnose and solve technical problems and conduct marketing research.


Sources from Which Michael Logue Insurance Collected Information

This information is collected from web analytics and the users of Michael Logue Insurance’s website. 


Categories of third Parties to Whom Michael Logue Insurance Sold Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance does not sell the internet data to third parties.


Categories of third Parties with Whom Michael Logue Insurance Disclosed Personal Information

Michael Logue Insurance shares the internet data with cloud storage providers, web analytics, and internet service providers.


Withdraw Consent:

Michael Logue

(847) 662-3600

If our legal basis for processing your information is based on your consent, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting Michael Logue, owner of Michael Logue Insurance, at the contact information above and informing him that you withdraw your consent.


Changes to Our Privacy Statement:

We keep this privacy statement under regular review and will place any updates on our website.

This privacy statement was last updated on 05/26/20.