Legal Statements

  1. Timelines provided to website visitors from Michael Logue Insurance or the Michael Logue Insurance website are estimates, not guarantees.

  2. Insurance products are underwritten by the issuing insurance company. Insurance products are NOT underwritten by Michael Logue Insurance.

  3. Statements on this website provide general information only as it relates to policies and coverages. All coverages are subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the actual policy issued.

  4. The content on this website is provided "as is" and no representations are made that the content is free of errors.

  5. All information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only. This information does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances, and may not constitute the most current legal developments.

  6. This website may contain links to content from third-party websites which are intended only as a convenience for the user or browser and are not necessarily recommended or endorsed by Michael Logue Insurance.

  7. No user or browser of this site should act or refrain from acting based on the contents of this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the appropriate jurisdiction. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the contents of this site are hereby expressly disclaimed.

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